
From Chat4AllFAQ
Revision as of 05:53, 6 December 2010 by Unknown Entity (talk | contribs) (Removed email references and updated the vhost response)
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#Help : The Chat4All IRC Help Channel - Help-ops (%, @, &, ~) are here to help you

#Help is our main support channel. Here you will find our staff and other helpers available to help you.

You can identify an helper by the % sign infront of his/her name. This indicates the user is a HalfOp or HelpOp. The HelpOps and Operators (which can be identified by a @, & or ~ sign in front of their name) are there to help you.

You can also use our ChannelBot WatchdoG to get support. Just type a question mark followed by the one word query you wish to learn more about. For instance:

? vhost

would have WatchdoG respond with:

[WatchdoG:#help] vhost == A Vhost is a Virtual Host . If you want to request one, you can type /msg HostServ REQUEST . The ident can be max 9 characters and is optional. For detailed information regarding vhosts, including
request requirements, read -- Voor Nederlandse info, typ: ? vhost-nl

If out bot can't help you, you may open a support ticket via our Support Center. Or send one of the halfops a memo (/memoserv help) This is only for registered users with Nickserv!

Please do not idle in our help channel. Once you've received an answer, please leave our support room.