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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
01:14, 17 September 2011 IRC Clients CLIRC NDS.jpg (file) 526 KB Masterlink Picture of Nintendo 3DS running CLIRC on AceKard 2i. (No screenshot tool available) 1
22:46, 16 September 2011 IRC Clients-ChatZilla.c4a-win7x64-firefox6.0.2.png (file) 111 KB Unknown Entity ChatZilla connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 within Firefox 6.0.2 1
22:46, 16 September 2011 IRC Clients-Opera-win7x64.png (file) 174 KB Unknown Entity Opera 11 connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
16:05, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-Yaaic-Portrait.png (file) 31 KB Masterlink Yaaic running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in portrait mode. 1
16:05, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-Yaaic-Landscape.png (file) 44 KB Masterlink Yaaic running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in landscape mode. 1
16:04, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-IRCRadio-Portrait.png (file) 52 KB Masterlink IRCRadio running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in portrait mode. 1
16:04, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-IRCRadio-Menu.png (file) 34 KB Masterlink IRCRadio running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. This is the menu for the program on start. 1
16:03, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-IRCRadio-Landscape.png (file) 48 KB Masterlink IRCRadio running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in landscape mode. 1
16:03, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-DaraIRC-Portrait.png (file) 32 KB Masterlink DaraIRC running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in portrait mode. 1
16:02, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-DaraIRC-Landscape.png (file) 26 KB Masterlink DaraIRC running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in landscape mode. 1
16:02, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-AndroIRC-Portrait.png (file) 66 KB Masterlink AndroIRC running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in portrait mode. 1
16:02, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-AndroIRC-Landscape.png (file) 55 KB Masterlink AndroIRC running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in landscape mode. 1
16:01, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-AndChat-Portrait.png (file) 69 KB Masterlink AndChat running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in portrait mode. 1
16:01, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-AndChat-Landscape.png (file) 55 KB Masterlink AndChat running on Droid 2 with Android 2.2 firmware. Connected to #lounge and orientated in landscape mode. 1
15:59, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-zsIRC.PNG (file) 13 KB Masterlink zsIRC running on Windows Mobile 5 connected to #lounge, screenshot taken while controlled via VNC. 1
15:56, 26 February 2011 IRC Clients-PSPIRC.png (file) 9 KB Masterlink PSPIRC running on a PSP with 5.50 GEN-D3 custom firmware. Connected to #lounge. 1
11:37, 7 February 2011 IRC Clients-Nettalk-6.7.10-win7x64.png (file) 161 KB Unknown Entity Nettalk 6.7.10 connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
10:56, 7 February 2011 IRC Clients-Weechat-0.3.5-dev-Lounge-colors-higmon-chanmon-xfer-horizontal buffers-merged private buffers.png (file) 169 KB FiXato This screenshot shows a development build of WeeChat 0.3.5 compiled and running on an Ubuntu Linux server, through mintty over ssh on a Windows XP computer. It tries to show various of the common features of, and scripts for, WeeChat: * It shows window-s 1
02:35, 6 February 2011 IRC Clients-Babbel-110103.14.win7x64.png (file) 78 KB Unknown Entity Babbel IRC 110103.14 connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
07:28, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-JPilot.c4a-DebianSqueeze-Iceweasel 3.5.16.png (file) 51 KB Unknown Entity Chat4all's Jpilot applet setup connected to #lounge running under Debian Squeeze and Iceweasel (Firefox) 3.5.16 1
07:27, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-Mibbit-DebianSqueeze-Iceweasel 3.5.16.png (file) 117 KB Unknown Entity Mibbit connected to #lounge running under Debian Squeeze and Iceweasel (Firefox) 3.5.16 1
07:27, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-WebIRC.c4a-DebianSqueeze-Iceweasel 3.5.16.png (file) 77 KB Unknown Entity Chat4all's WebIRC install connected to #lounge running under Debian Squeeze and Iceweasel (Firefox) 3.5.16 1
07:26, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-LightIRC.c4a-DebianSqueeze-Iceweasel 3.5.16.png (file) 78 KB Unknown Entity Chat4all's LightIRC install connected to #lounge running under Debian Squeeze and Iceweasel (Firefox) 3.5.16 1
05:10, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-Quassel-0.6.3-QTInterface-DebianSqueeze.png (file) 119 KB Unknown Entity Quassel 0.6.3 (Qt Interface) connected to #lounge running under Debian Squeeze (installed from Debian repos) 1
04:46, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-Xchat-2.8.8-DebianSqueeze.png (file) 49 KB Unknown Entity Xchat 2.8.8 connected to #lounge running under Debian Squeeze (installed from Debian repos) 1
04:46, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-irssi-0.8.15-DebianSqueeze.png (file) 16 KB Unknown Entity irssi 0.8.15 connected to #lounge running under Debian Squeeze (installed from Debian repos) 1
04:16, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-Konversation-1.1.1-debian lenny.png (file) 85 KB Unknown Entity Konversation 1.1-1 connected to #lounge running under Debian Lenny (installed from Debian repos) 1
03:01, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-AYTTM-0.6.3-1-debian squeeze.png (file) 102 KB Unknown Entity AYTTM 0.6.3-1 connected to #lounge running under Debian Squeeze (installed from Debian repos) 1
02:44, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-Adium-1.4.1-osx10.6.2.png (file) 104 KB Unknown Entity Adium 1.4.1 connected to #lounge running under Mac OS X 10.6.2 1
02:43, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-XchatAqua-0.17.0.rc1-osx10.6.2.png (file) 111 KB Unknown Entity Xchat Aqua 0.17.0-rc1 connected to #lounge running under Mac OS X 10.6.2 1
02:43, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-Linkinus- (file) 89 KB Unknown Entity Linkinus 2.2.2 connected to #lounge running under Mac OS X 10.6.2 1
02:43, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-Limechat-2.16-osx10.6.2.png (file) 99 KB Unknown Entity Limechat 2.16 connected to #lounge running under Mac OS X 10.6.2 1
02:25, 3 February 2011 IRC Clients-Weechat-0.3.5-Lounge ascii art fun.png (file) 57 KB FiXato Screenshot taken with Weechat 0.3.5-devel development build inside GNU Screen, using PuTTY as terminal emulator, with DejaVu Sans Mono at 8 points font. Displays #lounge on Chat4all, with some Ascii rendering from 'toilet' via the shell script. 1
11:12, 1 February 2011 MIRC-Perform.png (file) 14 KB Unknown Entity Perform buffer in mIRC 7.17 showing an identify example and an autojoin example. 1
01:36, 1 February 2011 IRC Clients-VortecIRC- (file) 158 KB Unknown Entity Vortec IRC connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
01:36, 1 February 2011 IRC Clients-TrillianAstraBasic-win7x64.png (file) 396 KB Unknown Entity Trillian Astra connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
01:35, 1 February 2011 IRC Clients-XchatSilverex-2.8.6-2-win7x64.png (file) 80 KB Unknown Entity Xchat 2.8.6-2 (Silverex build) connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
04:56, 31 January 2011 IRC Clients-Colloquy-2.0-2C8-OSX10.3-ppc.PNG (file) 139 KB Unknown Entity Colloquy 2.0 running on Mac OS X 10.3.8 (ppc) connected to #lounge 1
23:33, 30 January 2011 IRC Clients-IceChat7-WinXP-GHOSTIE11.png (file) 204 KB Unknown Entity Contributed screenshot of Icechat running on Windows XP in #lounge. Credit goes to GHOSTIE11 for this image. 1
02:57, 30 January 2011 IRC Clients-pidgin-2.7.9-win7x64.png (file) 83 KB Unknown Entity Pidgin 2.7.9 connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
02:56, 30 January 2011 IRC Clients-HydraIRC-0.3.165-win7x64.png (file) 134 KB Unknown Entity HydraIRC 0.3.165 connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
02:55, 30 January 2011 IRC Clients-Icechat-7.70-win7x64.png (file) 162 KB Unknown Entity Icechat 7.70 connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
02:55, 30 January 2011 IRC Clients-mirc-7.17-win7x64.png (file) 80 KB Unknown Entity mIRC 7.17 connected to #lounge running under Windows 7 1
02:53, 30 January 2011 IRC Clients-pjirc-2.2.1-win7x64-opera11.png (file) 28 KB Unknown Entity PJIRC 2.21 connected to #lounge running on Opera 11 under Windows 7 1
05:32, 28 January 2011 IRC Clients-Mobile Colloquy-StandardNickCompletion.png (file) 114 KB FiXato Screenshot of Mobile Colloquy running on (I think) an iPhone. It shows an active room, the on screen keyboard, and the standard nick-completion. Screenshot retrieved from to make sure it always s 1
05:27, 28 January 2011 IRC Clients-Colloquy-ChatWithSidebar.png (file) 190 KB FiXato A screenshot of Colloquy on Mac OS X, showing the chat window with a sidebar displaying several rooms and users. Screenshot copied from so it always stays available here. 1
04:44, 28 January 2011 IRC Clients-BitchX-FiXato on Chat4All Lounge.png (file) 112 KB FiXato Screenshot made of BitchX by Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter using SVN revision 105. Displays BitchX ANSI splash and connecting to the Chat4All IRC Network and join #lounge. It was running in PuTTY on a remote Ubuntu server within Byobu. The font used is Luci 1
03:04, 28 January 2011 IRC Clients-Babbel-new babbel-dock.jpg (file) 267 KB FiXato Screenshot of Babbel on Mac OS X: Dockwindow with inputline and userlist attached. Image copied from to make sure it always stays available. 1
01:03, 28 January 2011 IRC Clients-AYTTM-0.3.3-1-screen.png (file) 28 KB FiXato The main window of AYTTM, version 0.3.3-1. Screenshot downloaded from to make sure it will always remain available. 1
17:14, 25 January 2006 Ssl unencrypted.png (file) 287 KB FiXato Screenshot of Ethereal while trying to watch Unencrypted data. 1
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