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What are Hostnames

First of all, let's look at what a Host is.

Everyone connected to the internet has a Hostname or IP. This is to identify the user on the World Wide Web.
An IP is a unique number to identify your connection to the internet. Without it, you couldn't receive any information on the internet, or connect to the chat-server.

But, IP-numbers aren't easy to remember for everyone, thus hostnames were invented. These are text-based unique identificational names for internet-connections.
They are usually based on the domainname of the Internet Service Provider your use.
For example: abds3da.dialup.myhost.net

What are VHosts

Now we know what an IP and a Hostname is, but what is a VHost then?
A VHost is a Virtual Host.
Virtual means something simulated, it is not really there.

Everyone who connect to our chatnetwork, gets the usermode +x by default, this usermode encrypts a part of your hostname for your privacy, and thus creates a form of virtual hostname in itself.
For instance, abds3da.dialup.myhost.net could end up looking like NO-IP-dsad7.dialup.myhost.net and thus other chatters will not see your real hostname or IP-address by default, thus guarantueeing some kind of privacy.

However, such a NO-IP-hostname doesn't look very nice, now does it?
Wouldn't you like to have something like Yourname@the.funniest.person.on.earth?
That's why we've incorporated the HostServ service on our network.
This service-module allows us to set customisable VHosts for registered users.

How to request

"Cool! How can I get one myself?"
Well, it is quite simple, first you have to make sure you have registered your nickname. If you haven't, follow this step-by-step tutorial called Register Nickname.
Afterwards, you have to decide on a hostname you wish to use for your vhost.
We have some small rules about this though. For more info about them, read the section that follows.

Once you've thought of a vhost (and ident if wanted), all you have to do is send an e-mail to vhost[at]chat4all[dot]org (replace [at] with @ and [dot] with .) containing your nickname and requested vhost.

For instance:

To: vhost[at]chat4all[dot]org
From: YourE-Mail[at]Host.TLD
Subject: Vhost request for YourNickname
Message Body:
HI, I would like to request the vhost Me@my.host.rules for my nickname YourNickname

thank you in advance,


Hostname Conditions

  1. A vhost is set in the form of ident@hostname
  2. The ident can be either unset (allowing you to choose your own ident on connect), or a static one consisting of a maximum of 9 characters.
  3. The hostname and ident may not contain any special characters other than underscore ( _ ), hyphen ( - ) and dot ( . )
  4. The hostname must exist of at least two parts, separated by a dot. For instance my.host or is.the.best
  5. The hostname may not be a valid, registered domain, unless you can submit proof you are the rightful owner of that domain. We have this rule due to possible legal trademark issues.
  6. The host doesn't have to end in a valid Top Level Domain such as .net or .com, we even prefer if they don't!
  7. The vhost may not contain any incriminating words or be abusive towards others. So no vhost requests like you.all.are.idiots