Chat4all IRC Network
Chat4all is a IRC network founded by Adonis in 2000. Now we have some servers linked and a couple of IRCops . So his task is getting easier . The server is a nice family server, with alot of regular visitors from around the world. Definately worth checking out. We've survived Ddos attacks, floodbots etc and fully armed to get rid of them . So be aware!! We have even a female IRCop who brings us some female touch in a manly world *g*
The IRC network where you can find opportunities to find new friends, chat about your interests, or even find a new love (it happens ). Being on chatnetworks such as can make all this, and more, happen. Chat4All is an IRC network created to provide a place for people to find new friends and chat about common interests. In addition to a number of multilingual rooms, Chat4All hosts a few dutch language chat rooms as well. Now we even support SSL connection, connect to port 7001 if you wish to use this feature.