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Chat4all IRC Network

Chat4all logo

Chat4all is a IRC network founded by Adonis in 2000. Now we have a couple of IRCops smiley. So his task is getting easier . The server is a nice family server, with alot of regular visitors from around the world. Definately worth checking out. We've survived DDoS attacks, floodbots etc and fully armed to get rid of them smiley. So be aware!! We even have a female IRCop who brings us some female touch in a manly world *g*

The IRC network where you can find opportunities to find new friends, chat about your interests, or even find a new love (it happens smiley). Being on chatnetworks such as can make all this, and more, happen. Chat4All is an IRC network created to provide a place for people to find new friends and chat about common interests. In addition to a number of multilingual rooms, Chat4All hosts a few dutch language chat rooms as well. We now even support SSL connection, just connect to port 7001 if you wish to use this feature.

At the moment we are listed on various IRC sites such as : SearchIRC and Netsplit

IRC services

Main Services

To provide our chatters with some tools for a nice chat session. We installed some services :

  1. NickServ -- For nickname registration and maintainance
  2. ChanServ -- for channel registration and maintainance
  3. MemoServ -- For sending messages to on- or offline users who are registered with NickServ
  4. HelpServ -- If you don't know what to do, this is a good place to start (/msg helpserv help)

Fun Services

Few chatters know that we have installed LoveServ and MoraleServ. Two features you can use to tease or flirt with another chatter on our network.

Security Services

These 'bots' are needed to keep our community safe and sound.

  1. Watcher -- Our bigbrother Smiley He keeps track of the flooders and annoying virus infected users.
  2. SecureServ -- Another bot that monitors malicious connections and clients.
  3. ReportServ -- this just sits on our server , waiting for YOU to call him. ReportServ is a bot where you can report any kind of abuse, spam or anything else!

Jay 00:34, 24 Nov 2004 (CET)
--FiXato 04:43, 11 Jan 2005 (CET)