System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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tags-edit-nooldid-text (talk) (Translate) You have either not specified any target revision on which to perform this function, or the specified revision does not exist.
tags-edit-nooldid-title (talk) (Translate) Invalid target revision
tags-edit-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason:
tags-edit-remove (talk) (Translate) Remove these tags:
tags-edit-remove-all-tags (talk) (Translate) (remove all tags)
tags-edit-revision-explanation (talk) (Translate)  
tags-edit-revision-legend (talk) (Translate) Add or remove tags from {{PLURAL:$1|this revision|all $1 revisions}}
tags-edit-revision-selected (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Selected revision|Selected revisions}} of [[:$2]]:
tags-edit-revision-submit (talk) (Translate) Apply changes to {{PLURAL:$1|this revision|$1 revisions}}
tags-edit-success (talk) (Translate) The changes were applied.
tags-edit-title (talk) (Translate) Edit tags
tags-hitcount (talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|change|changes}}
tags-hitcount-header (talk) (Translate) Tagged changes
tags-intro (talk) (Translate) This page lists the tags that the software may mark an edit with, and their meaning.
tags-manage-blocked (talk) (Translate) You cannot manage change tags while {{GENDER:$1|you}} are blocked.
tags-manage-no-permission (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to manage change tags.
tags-source-extension (talk) (Translate) Defined by the software
tags-source-header (talk) (Translate) Source
tags-source-manual (talk) (Translate) Applied manually by users and bots
tags-source-none (talk) (Translate) No longer in use
tags-summary (talk) (Translate)  
tags-tag (talk) (Translate) Tag name
tags-title (talk) (Translate) Tags
tags-update-add-not-allowed-multi (talk) (Translate) The following {{PLURAL:$2|tag is|tags are}} not allowed to be manually added: $1
tags-update-add-not-allowed-one (talk) (Translate) The tag "$1" is not allowed to be manually added.
tags-update-blocked (talk) (Translate) You cannot add or remove change tags while {{GENDER:$1|you}} are blocked.
tags-update-no-permission (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to add or remove change tags from individual revisions or log entries.
tags-update-remove-not-allowed-multi (talk) (Translate) The following {{PLURAL:$2|tag is|tags are}} not allowed to be manually removed: $1
tags-update-remove-not-allowed-one (talk) (Translate) The tag "$1" is not allowed to be removed.
talk (talk) (Translate) Discussion
talkpage (talk) (Translate) Discuss this page
talkpageheader (talk) (Translate) -
talkpagelinktext (talk) (Translate) talk
talkpagetext (talk) (Translate) <!-- MediaWiki:talkpagetext -->
template-loop-category (talk) (Translate) Pages with template loops
template-loop-category-desc (talk) (Translate) The page contains a template loop, ie. a template which calls itself recursively.
template-protected (talk) (Translate) (protected)
template-semiprotected (talk) (Translate) (semi-protected)
templatepage (talk) (Translate) View template page
templatesused (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used on this page:
templatesusedpreview (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used in this preview:
templatesusedsection (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used in this section:
textmatches (talk) (Translate) Page text matches
thisisdeleted (talk) (Translate) View or restore $1?
throttled-mailpassword (talk) (Translate) A password reset email has already been sent, within the last {{PLURAL:$1|hour|$1 hours}}. To prevent abuse, only one password reset email will be sent per {{PLURAL:$1|hour|$1 hours}}.
thu (talk) (Translate) Thu
thumbnail-dest-create (talk) (Translate) Unable to save thumbnail to destination
thumbnail-more (talk) (Translate) Enlarge
thumbnail-temp-create (talk) (Translate) Unable to create temporary thumbnail file
thumbnail_dest_directory (talk) (Translate) Unable to create destination directory
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