
From Chat4AllFAQ
Revision as of 10:32, 2 January 2011 by FiXato (talk | contribs) (Added section about disabling the kill server notice)
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Killed by watcher? Here you can find the things NOT to do if you want to connect to Chat4All

What is Watcher?

We've installed a security system ("Watcher") to combat virus and drone connections. It works by awarding points for things in your details that look like a virus drone's nick, ident and fullname fields. This page is to help people who have been mistakenly killed as a virus drone get onto Chat4All with the minimum of hassle. To be killed by the service, your score must be above 7. Anything else, and the score will just be logged and you will be allowed to go on your way.


To avoid being killed in the future here is a list of scoring systems used by the script so that you may adjust your details to get onto the network.

Negative Points

You get awarded for these connection details:

Nick contains a known dictionary word or human name
-3 points per word
When symbols are removed, nick contains a dictionary word or human name
-3 points per word
Ident contains a known dictionary word or human name
-3 points per word
When symbols are removed, Ident contains a dictionary word or human name
-3 points per word
Full name contains a known dictionary word or human name
-3 points per word
When symbols are removed, fullname contains a dictionary word or human name
-3 points per word
Nick starts or ends with an alliance tag
-3 points
Nick is the same as ident
-3 points
Nick is the same as fullname
-3 points
Fullname is the same as ident
-3 points
Ident contains numbers
-3 points per number
Fullname contains numbers
-3 points per number
Fullname has symbols, e.g. $, !, ?.
-3 points per symbol
Ident contains a full stop ( . ), hyphen ( - ) or underscore ( _ )
-2 points per symbol
Fullname contains spaces
-1 point per space
Fullname has colour codes
-1 point per colour code
Nick contains numbers
-1 point per number

Negative scores are good, so try to get as many of these above points.

Positive Points

You get fined with positive points for these connection details:

Fullname ends with .com, .net, or .org
+ 5 points
Fullname starts with "sympatico.", "hotmail.", or "microsoft."
+ 4 points
Nick is only one character in length
+ 1 point
Nick is under 6 characters in length
+ 1 point
Nick is under 3 characters in length
+ 1 point
Ident is over 9 characters in length
+ 1 point
Fullname is under 13 characters
+ 1 point
Nick contains
  • { (left curly brace)
  • } (right curly brace)
  • | (pipe)
  • ` (backtick)
  • ^ (caret)
  • ] (right square bracket)
  • [ (left square bracket)
  • _ (underscore)
  • \ (backslash)
+ 1 point per symbol
Nickname is over 50% symbols shown in rule 17
+ 1 point
Fullname is all letters with no spaces or symbols
+ 1 point
Ident is all letters, no symbols.
+ 1 point
Nickname contains NO numbers
+ 1 point

A reminder again that HIGH scores are BAD. So try to avoid any of these points...


]]X|{|n{{ ( (Killed (Watcher (You have a scan score of 16 and 
are possibly an automated virus drone. 
Please read the following page for details of the scoring system and how to avoid this in the future: )))
}_u{b\{kW! (Killed (Watcher (You have a scan score of 10
and are possibly an automated virus drone. 
Please read the following page for details of the scoring system and how to avoid this in the future: )))
]|[! (Killed (Watcher (You have a scan score of 11 and 
are possibly an automated virus drone. 
Please read the following page for details of the scoring system and how to avoid this in the future: )))

still have questions?

Disable kill notices

Tired of seeing

 *** Notice -- Received KILL message for ]|[! from Watcher Path: Watcher!Watcher (You have a scan score of 9 and are possibly an automated virus drone. Please read the following page for details of the scoring system and how to avoid this in the future:

notices in your IRC client? Simply turn off the kill notice server notices mask with:

 /mode $nick +s -k

where you replace $nick with your own nickname.