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What is a Host?

First of all, let's look at what a Host is. Everyone connected to the internet has a Hostname or IP. This is to identify the user on the world wide web. An IP is a unique number to identify your connection to the internet. Without it, you couldn't receive any information on the internet, or connect to the chat-server. But, IP-numbers aren't easy to remember for everyone, thus hostnames were invented. These are text-based unique identificational names for internet-connections. They are usually based on the domainname of the Internet Service Provider your use. For instance abds3da.dialup.myhost.net

What is a VHost?

Now we know what an IP and a Hostname is, but what is a virtual host then? A VHost is a Virtual Host. Virtual means something simulated, it is not really there. Everyone who connect to our chatnetwork, gets the usermode +x by default, this usermode encrypts a part of your hostname for your privacy, and thus creates a form of virtual hostname in itself. For instance, abds3da.dialup.myhost.net could end up looking like NO-IP-dsad7.dialup.myhost.net and thus other chatters will not see your real hostname or IP address by default, thus guarantueeing some kind of privacy. However, such a NO-IP-hostname doesn't look very nice, now does it? Wouldn't you like to have something like Yourname@the.funniest.person.on.earth? That's why we've incorporated the HostServ service on our network. This service-module allows us to set customisable VHosts for registered users.

How can I get one?

"Cool! How can I get one myself?" Well, it is quite simple, first you have to make sure you have registered your nickname. If you haven't, follow this step-by-step tutorial called RegisterNick. Then you have to decide on a hostname you wish to use for your vhost. We have some small rules about this though:

Rules & Conditions for a hostname

To Be Continued


If you want to request one, you can send an e-mail to �vhost@chat4all.org� containing your �nickname�, and the vhost in the form of �<ident>@<hostname>�. The �ident� can be max �9 characters� and the �hostname� is �not �allowed to be a valid, registered domain (unless you can prove you are the owner of the domain) due to legal trademark reasons.