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Extended Bans Tutorial

This tutorial will teach you how to make use of the new banning possibilities that have become available to channel operators. It makes use of the new Extended Bans that have become available in UnrealIRCd.

With UnrealIRCd comes the masking of IP/host addresses to secure the privacy of the chatters. Such masked IP/Hostname makes it more difficult to find the real IP/Hostname of someone. The "+x" usermode indicates that masking is active. Ban evasion gets more complicated, a hostname ban matches both masked and unmasked hostnames. Same applies to IP addresses.


As for most bans go: you can wildcard parts of the ban mask by replacing the part with a asterisk *. For instance, given the following user:

 Nickname: Lamer
 Ident: iamlame
 Hostname: lamest.user.example
 Full hostmask: Lamer!iamlame@lamest.user.example

You could ban everyone with a nickname starting with Lamer, by banning:


or you could ban everyone with 'lame' in his ident, by banning:


or you could ban the user by banning everyone from lamest.user.example:


Of course this can all be combined as well, by banning everyone with a nickname starting with Lame, an ident ending in amlame and a hostname ending with user.example by banning the following mask:


If wildcarding still isn't clear, please join #help on the Chat4All IRC Network and ask for more examples :)

New ban modifiers

New in the IRC software are the extended bans. Extended bans have the following syntaxis :


The different types :

* ~q : quiet
* ~n : nickchange (Anti-Flood Feature)
* ~c : channel
* ~r : realname

~q: (Quiet)

The ~q extended ban will ban a user matching the ban from talking in a room, but will still allow them to enter the channel, or change their nick while being on the channel. Chatters matching this banmask are unable to speak unless they have +v or higher.


  /mode #channel +b ~q:nick!ident@host.mask


  /mode #lounge +b ~q:*!*@*.aol.com
  05:40 -!- mode/#lounge [+b ~q:*!*@*.aol.com] by Jay

would refuse anyone from AOL (*!*@*.aol.com) to talk on #lounge. However, they would still be allowed to join the room and listen to others talking.

~n: (Nickchange)

The ~n extended ban will disallow nickname changes from people matching the banmask for as long as they are in the room. As with all bans, it will become useless if they have a voice (+v) or higher.


  /mode #channel +b ~n:nick!ident@host.mask


 /mode #lounge +b ~n:*!*@*.test.be
05:42 -!- mode/#lounge [+b ~n:*!*@*.test.be] by Jay

would refuse any chatters coming from test.be to change nickname while they are in #lounge. Unless they are voiced or higher.

~c (Channel)

If you have a lot of trolls coming from a rival channel, you might want to ban all chatters that are also present on that channel. The ~c extended ban can be used for that.


  /mode #channel +b ~c:#otherChannel


 /mode #lounge +b ~c:#lamerz
 05:47 -!- mode/#lounge [+b ~c:#lamerz] by Jay

would ban access to #lounge to any chatters who are also on the #lamerz channel.

~r (Realname)


  /mode #channel +b ~r:real_name_goes_here

Attention: replace your spaces by an underscore (_) , since spaces aren't allowed in bans. An underscore will then be recognised as either an underscore or a space.


 /mode #lounge +b ~r:netbus_pro*
 05:50 -!- mode/#lounge [+b ~r:netbus_pro*] by Jay

If the realname of a chatter starts with netbus_pro , then (s)he will be unable to join #lounge.


When you are banned and still try to talk (in case of ~q ban), or try to change your nickname (in case of ~n ban) or try to join while you match a channel (~c) or realname (~r) ban, you will see the following message:

 06:51 [someUser] test answer :)
 06:51 #lounge You are banned (#lounge)